Storing A Better Way

Storing A Better Way

  • Things You Should Do Before Storing Your RV

    Is your RV is ready for winter storage at an RV storage facility? Make sure you don't miss these easy-to-forget steps before you lock everything up.  1. Close your blinds.  Those mini blinds and shades are in your RV for privacy, but they are also there to help protect the interior of your RV. Unfortunately, shutting your blinds is easily forgotten in the midst of getting everything prepared for long-term storage.

  • Packing It Up Right: 6 Tips For Packing Your Fragile Items

    Whether it's glasses or ceramic vases, you need to know that your items are going to be safe when they're being moved. Fragile items require a little bit more care when you're packing, but they can be transported safely if you follow a few tips.  1. Get Some Fragile Stickers Before you call your moving company, place fragile stickers on the boxes that are going to be moved. Make sure to put stickers on each side of the box; if you put it in one area, it may not be immediately visible.

  • Downsizing Your Stuff Collection To Decrease Stress In The Home

    So many people have more stuff than their homes can house. If your family is struggling to find a balance of stuff versus space, it's time to put some thought into what you can do to improve the situation. It is known that clutter increases stress, so if you're feeling stressed, it's time to eliminate some stuff. Here's a few tips to help you through the downsizing of your stuff collection.

  • Prepare For An Impending Move To Your New Home

    Moving to a larger home can seem like an exciting prospect, but can also cause tremendous stress if packing and transportation needs aren't handled in a methodical manner. If you, your spouse, and teenaged children are all willing to prepare for the impending move, use the tips below to assist with the task. Request That Each Person Pack Their Personal Belongings Instead of haphazardly packing items in a hurry and placing the contents of your home in one or two rooms, ease into the packing process by formulating a plan that involves having each family member pack their own belongings.

  • Storing Your Book Collection

    A book collection takes up a lot of room. When you can't store all of your books in your home anymore, it's time to get the heavy duty plastic storage bins and put your books into a temperature controlled storage unit. As valuable as they are, you want to make sure to store your books properly so that you and your loved ones can enjoy them later in life.  Temperature Control

2024© Storing A Better Way
About Me
Storing A Better Way

After I started organizing my basement, I could tell that there were a few serious problems with my previous storage procedure. In addition to finding more than a few issues with damaged items, I also had a problem tracking down the things that I needed, which was frustrating. I wanted to streamline the experience, so I started going through everything and getting rid of things I didn't need. It was difficult at first, but after a few boxes, things became much easier to handle. Check out this blog for great information on storing the smart way and avoiding trouble in the long run.
